Sunday, February 23, 2020

Turning A Negative Space Into A Happy Place

    I noticed that sitting at my desk at work brought on a lot of negative feelings, so I started adding things to make it a happy place. I started off small with pictures of my family and postcards of artwork by some of my favorite artists. Then I started to add other stuff.

  My crystals have made a HUGE difference. They are in a ceramic bowl I made in college, right in front of my computer screen. When I'm stressed out and need a mental break, I can look at them and instantly feel calmer and more energized. I also can look at them when I am on the phone with a difficult person. They help me stay calm and not hang up on the person.

  Another thing I added was a few of my Scooby-Doo collection. My Scooby Clock has been on my desk ever since I got my first desk job. Every time his battery dies, I get nervous that he isn't going to work again. I love having him tell me what time it is. Having something that makes me happy and that I collect, is another thing I can look at while I am taking a mental break.

  Funny office supplies is a lot of fun to have on my desk. I found some fun office supplies like my cassette tape tape dispenser and my Polaroid camera sticky note dispenser. I wish I could find a funny stapler and staple remover as funny as my tape dispenser and sticky note dispenser.

My favorite item in my area is my felt board that I can change the saying on. This year I decided to go with quotes from cartoons. Everybody loves reading the sayings on my board. I even had to start posting them on my personal Facebook timeline because my family wanted to see my new sayings.
   I also love my seasonal decorations (I have a small Christmas tree for December). The seasonal decorations are fun and are something new every few months. That vase gets a lot of use through out the year with different acrylic decorations added it it.
  I also have some little doodles that were drawn by my niece. When she comes to visit, she loves doodling on sticky notes at our house and I love bringing them to work and hanging them up so I can see them.
  My Himalayan salt lamp hasn't been plugged in yet. I need an extension cord because the plugs near my desk are all full. I'm excited to finally get to use it.

  My little block calendar is one of my favorite desk decorations. I can change the decorative part for each season, giving my desk a little bit of change.
  You may not have a big enough work space to do this much customizing, but if you get creative, you can find ways of adding something happy or calming to your work space. If you have a shared work space, you may have to come up with something mobile that you can set up when it is your turn in the space. Personalizing an area that can cause frustration and depression can make a HUGE difference in how you feel. I noticed once I started adding my personalization, my mood and motivation level started to improve. Being able to look at my personal items that make me happy can relieve my stress level and help me get back on track to getting my work done.

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