Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Realistic Goals To Reach Ultimate Goals

 One of the hardest things I had to focus on when I started my journey, was setting goals. I had a lot of big goals that I wanted to meet, but there was no way I was going to make all of them happen in the timeline I wanted. I had to learn to set realistic goals to reach those bigger goals.
  Like a lot of people, one of my biggest goals is weight loss. Setting a goal to lose 100 pounds is an Ultimate Goal and if I keep focusing on that big number, I will get frustrated and give up. Instead, I set smaller goals in reasonable time periods to reach my ultimate goal. I'm going to keep using weight loss as an example, because most people relate to that one and it is easier to give examples for.
  My weight loss goals are not all based on pounds and time periods. One of my goals was to find a diet that I could maintain and would be more of a lifestyle change than a "diet diet." I didn't want to have to count calories or carbs because I knew that would get frustrating and I would quit doing it. I didn't want to have to buy a bunch of specialty ingredients that I would probably not eat and end up wasting money on. I also wanted to be able to enjoy the food. So, I came up with the goal to find a diet that I could easily follow and that I would enjoy. I discovered the Mediterranean Diet and so far I am liking it. I will do more posts on my experience with this diet. The main change is focusing more on vegetables and less on the meat and side. This has actually been a pretty easy change, which means I am more likely to keep following the diet. That means I reached a weight loss goal!!
  When you reach a goal, be sure to celebrate it! It can be a little celebration like telling your spouse or friend. It would be silly to celebrate a weight loss goal by eating a cupcake or going out for a big meal. I have a co-worker that gives me a high-five every time I mention something about losing more weight and my husband tells me good job if I mention something to him. It's important to know who you can go to for those celebrations, though. Don't go to someone that is going to reply with, "I wish I could lose that much weight." That is not celebrating your accomplishment at all! If you are like me, that will bring those guilt feelings back that I was talking about in my last post. I will actually feel guilty for losing weight when that person isn't and that turns my celebration into a setback and ruins my motivation.
  Sometimes, you are going to have a set-back. I was doing really well with my weight loss over the recent holidays and then I had a few medical issues that made me sit on the couch and do nothing for awhile. It was frustrating and disappointing. I had to stay positive that I would be getting back to my new routine soon and remind myself not to sit and each chocolate while I pouted on the couch. Once each of my issues resolved, I got back to work. It was hard because all three set-backs happened really close together, so I felt like just as I was doing good, I was back on the couch.
  Out of respect to yourself, make sure you set realistic goals that can be achieved and then celebrated. Don't set goals that you will get frustrated trying to reach and when you have set-backs, get refocused and get back to work. Like the Fairy God Mother says,"Even miracles take a little time."

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